Bonefish have become one of the favorite saltwater fish to target on fly by many experienced fly anglers, and novices. They live in super shallow areas and in certain places with mega numbers. This along with there lightning speedy runs makes them a fav to fish for. I believe that the Bahamas hold some of the world best bonefishing. That is why I host my Ultimate Fly Fishing Bonefish School in South Andros Bahamas at the Andros South Boenfish Lodge! The bone in the pic above is feeding in about 4-5 inches of water, and was taken in South Andros. You can see this in plentiful numbers in South Andros. Bones love to go as shallow as they can to get to the little crabs and shrimp that live and take cover in the mangrove tree roots. This fish is belly draggin he is so shallow! This sight makes for great fun, for when the bones are this shallow they are extra spooky and call for a much stealthier presentation. So I like to make a very wide loop when casting to shallow talliers and have very even power all the way through the wide loop. This will allow the fly to land very softly thus not spooking the fish! On the other hand when the bones are this shallow with there tails out of the water the only reason their are exposing themselves so much is to feed aggressively. So with that the bones are usually very apt to run over to eat your fly IF you can get it near them with out spooking them! Much more to come on this subject. Thanks!