These big white lips are the last things that many little Crabbies want to come across in there lifetime. Usually with the sight of these big juicy white lips comes a quite strong sucking feeling much like a hoover vacuum! Then poof, the crab is nothing but a pile of crushed shells being flushed back into the water. A number of points about these big white lips are worth talking about in the fly fishing world. I think learning about the actual fish and its anatomy, lifestyle and habits are VERY important to upping your catch ratio. So how does knowing about these big puffy lips help us catch more fish? Well they are BIG WHITE PUFFY LIPS to put a fine point on it. When hunting for permit on the shallow flats it has been a common know that you can usually see the large, black, forked tail of the permit before you can see the slim profile of the permit body. But what about on a darker cloudy day? Then throw in some darker bottom as well. UGG! It can be hard to spot that DARK BLACK tail in the limited light and on the darker bottom. Guess what then sticks out more then anything! YES THE LIPS! These big, white, rubbery permit lips make it easier to see a permit on darker days for sure! Sometime from a great distance if the light is just right! The white color of the lips against the dark bottom in the lower light will show up like a lite up christmas tree. Use this tip to help yourself identify a possible permit in some darker conditions.
The photo above can also show the angler how thick the permits lips and mouth really are! Anglers can then learn that a good stout hook set is needed even with the laser sharpened hooks that we have on the market today. This will all be covered on future blog posts, along with hook gaps, hook sizes, fly size, material on the flies and how that effects the fly movement and much more so stay tuned! If you have not subscribed to my blog, and wish to learn more please do so on the top right email entree. Thanks!