Here is the long awaited recipe for the famous Chardy Choaker Crab Fly! This fly is a proven killer for permit and bone fish around the world from Mexico, Belize, and the Florida Keys! Don't ask me why but they gotta have baby!
- size 2/0 Gamakatzu SC15 Hook
- Natural deer hair
- tan select craft fur
- pumpkin seed sili legs
- cree or variant feathers
- hot orange or peach cactus chenille
- 17 pound Rio saltwater hard mono for weed guard
- med size lead eyes
- chartreuse 3/0 Danvills flat waxed thread
- sally Hansens hard as nails for glue
- and last but not least the one and only - awesome Regal vise
- - Tie lead eye on bottom of hook shank (hook point down in the vise) about 1/4 inch behind eye
- - wrap thread back to bend of hook
- - wrap on med sized chunk of tan craft fur making the fur about 1 1/2-2 inches long
- - palmer about 4.5 wraps of hot orange cactus chenille and make a small ball at base where you tied on the craft fur
- - then marrie 2 separate sets of thick salt water sized cree or variant feathers and then splay the to sets out opposite each other using the ball of chenille as a spacer to help spread
- - then flip over fly so the hook is up and tie in 4 strands of pumpkin seed sili legs so they extend over the back of the craft fur
- - next take a small to medium sized swatch of natural deer hair and pinch on hook just behind the lead eyes (note - behind the lead eyes but on the opposite side of the hook). Make sure that the fine tips of the hair are facing the back of the fly and make 3 loose thread wraps and cinch down on the deer hair to flair it out. Do not let the deer hair spin though. We are not spinning deer hair. Just hold against hook tight while you cinch with the thread to flair it out
- - trim front part if deer hair so just the fine tips are left. Leave a nice shape body.
- - next move forward of the lead eyes and finish by adding a double weedguard by doubling over a single piece of 17 pound Rio Saltwater Hard mono. Trim, and leave about 1/2 inch above hook point.
- - whip finish and coat thread with Sally Hansen hard as nails
Any questions please ask!