A 9wt Ross World Wide Essence Rod, with a Chardy 9wt Floating Permit Taper fly line, and a chardy custom tied crab fly presented right on top of the head of this beautiful Black Drum - It doesn't get any better then this! A beautiful sunny day made it difficult for this 25 pound drum to hide. It didn't help him much that he had his huge tail in the air and a large mud slick everywhere he decided to dig up some grub from the muddy bottom. These fish are common this size and much larger believe it or not on the flats south of New Orleans. These drums have little whiskers that they use to sense food buried in the muddy bottoms, much like cat fish! I love catching these fish but you have to have a well presented fly to get one to even see your fly. But they are excited to eat your fly if they see it! NICE!!