Just when you think you have a great shot at a tailing permit, you lift your rod to make a cast, and 100 cormorants that were sunning themselves on the exposed low tide bank just behind your tailing fish get spooked, and take off slapping their feet on the water as they try to get up enough speed to take off! This in return spooks your permit that you just waded and chased for the last 10 minutes! UGG! Usually there is nothing you can do about it, BUT if you learn to constantly notice all your surroundings, and then plan accordingly, you might be able to avoid such problems. Example - I have learned the hard way, that if I see a group of birds like this near where I am fishing, I will then simply fish away from the birds not giving the birds a chance to come into play at all. BUT, if I do find myself chasing a fish in the area close to shallow water birds, I now know to take the cast much lower and slower if possible while trying to keep an extra low profile and not move too quickly, and try to create a shot as soon as possible, not allowing the fish to get much closer to the birds, or to add the utmost patience and see if the fish will help things by moving farther away from the birds. Sometimes patience pays off big time in this sport! As if this game isn't hard enough already, now we have to look out for birds also! BUT - Just knowing that the birds are there in the first place, and knowing that they could be a potential problem is enough to possibly create an opportunity to catch that
fish of a lifetime!