Understanding how important it is to practice your fly casting before you head out on your next saltwater fly fishing adventure can help you take advantage of a high percentage of your opportunities. In most cases I notice anglers that have multiple day trips end up casting there best on the last day of there trip. You get out of it what you put into it, and if you don't practice you will not increase your odds of catching fish period. You only have yourself to blame.
- Keep a rod strong up ready to go by the back door. Have a rubber band wrapped around the fighting butt so you can tuck the tippit in the rubber band. This will help secure your line while being strung on the rod. Then all you have to do is strip line off the reel in the back yard and cast for 5-10 minutes a day. You will be surprised how much that helps. The double bonefish photo above would not have been possible with out plenty of practice!